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选 xuan

Home Pinyin xuan

别无选择 bié wú xuǎnzé no choice

重选 chóngxuǎn re-elect

初选 chūxuǎn primaries

大选 dàxuǎn general election

当选 dāngxuǎn elected

风选 fēngxuǎn winnowing

浮选 fúxuǎn flotation

候选 hòuxuǎn candidate

候选人 hòuxuǎn rén candidate

节选 jiéxuǎn excepts

精选 jīngxuǎn choicest; featured; handpicked

竞选 jìngxuǎn campaign; electioneering

可选 kěxuǎn optional; selectable

落选 luòxuǎn lost

评选 píngxuǎn adjudicating; selection

普选 pǔxuǎn suffrage

人选 rénxuǎn person selection

任选 rèn xuǎn optional

入选 rùxuǎn selected

筛选 shāixuǎn filter; sifting

首选 shǒuxuǎn preferred

挑选 tiāoxuǎn pick

选拔 xuǎnbá selection

选出 xuǎn chū elect

选定 xuǎn dìng selected

选购 xuǎn gòu purchase

选举 xuǎnjǔ elect; election; elections

选课 xuǎnkè elective course

选民 xuǎnmín constituency; elector; electorate; voter

选票 xuǎnpiào ballot; ballots; vote

选区 xuǎnqū constituencies

选手 xuǎnshǒu contestant; player

选项 xuǎnxiàng option; options

选修 xuǎnxiū elective

选修课 xuǎnxiū kè elective course

选用 xuǎnyòng selection

选育 xuǎnyù breeding

选择 xuǎnzé choices; opted; opting; select; selecting; selector; selects

选择题 xuǎnzé tí multiple choice question

选择性 xuǎnzé xìng selectivity

选择 xuǎnzé opt

选址 xuǎnzhǐ sited

选中 xuǎnzhōng selected

预选 yùxuǎn preselect; preselected

助选 zhùxuǎn canvasser

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